
Showing posts from 2019
This is my final brand marketing report, using all the research and information that I collected and posted on this blog. 

Proposed Ideas for Umbro

Proposal My proposed ideas for Umbro include changes to social media, product lines and their marketing. As these are the main contributors to Umbros decline at the moment. The proposed changes to social media include getting streetwear influencers involved, as this would help boost Umbros brand awareness, and also encourage people to purchase their products, as they'll be seen on popular people, that are able to influence consumers to buy a certain brand. Additionally, By having their products modelled by people that aren't exactly "famous", would make the consumers feel closer to the garments, as they are able to see them on a person. that is similar to them. In terms of the product line, I think that Umbro should create a capsule collection that is heavily fashion orientated, which would appeal to a wider demographic, and therefore increase their success rate. The fashion market is growing per day, that said , they need to constantly be in touch with th


4Ps "The marketing mix is one of the most famous marketing terms. The marketing mix is the tactical or operational part of a marketing plan. The marketing mix is also called the 4Ps and the 7Ps. The 4Ps are price, place, product and promotion. The services marketing mix is also called the 7Ps and includes the addition of process, people and physical evidence." Quoted from: This is what  I  plan to write in my report:  Umbro’s product line is very streamlined. As it appears, they have segregated themselves to sportswear for years, and are now struggling to keep up with their competitors. They mainly sell sports apparel and equipment, including football shirts, football boots, and footballs. Umbro have done collaborations with many brands ranging from MissGuided to Off-White. These have added to their product lines, however; not officially since it is a collaboration and not solely Umbro. Meaning that

Report Layout

Report Layout For my report layout, I want to have it relatively simple, as Umbro isn't an extravagant brand, I wanted the aesthetic of the report to be in-keeping with this.  This being said, I wanted to incorporate lines into my design, as the Umbro logo is made up of diamonds, I wanted to have the geometric concept within the report.  E.G. I felt that this aesthetic would compliment the brand nicely within the report, as it was simplistic yet had a nice effect. Additionally, I wanted to make sure that there was plenty of clear images that related back to what the section was about, as this would provide a visual aid for the reader as well as making it look less plain.  It also helps give some context to the main body text, as something that is being described in the main body can then be physically seen on an image next to it. I didn't want the house style to be too busy, as this would draw attention away from the report, and also then wouldn't r

Product Selection

Umbro's Product Selection "Umbro is one of the leading sportswear, sports apparel and equipment company in the world, serving millions of customers worldwide. The focus of Umbro is on Football related products as a part of its marketing mix strategy and equipment such as apparels, boots, ball, hats etc. The products are available for adults as well as children also. As a sports jersey manufacturer, it also supplies uniforms to English football clubs such as West Ham United, Blackburn Rovers FC etc. Further training wear clothing is also provided by Umbro such as T-shirts, Jerseys, Jackets, Shorts and Pants. Apart from clothing, football equipment such as ball, gloves, hats, boots are also sold by Umbro. Umbro has now also introduced casual lifestyle clothing inspired by existing product line and its various products boasts of technological innovation in their design and use of high grade material." Direct quote taken from:


PESTLE Analysis A PESTLE analysis is a way of analysing the different influences of a business’ external environment. The letters stand for: Political-   These are all about how and to what degree a government intervenes in the economy. This can include – government policy, political stability or instability in overseas markets, foreign trade policy, tax policy, labour law, environmental law, trade restrictions and so on.  It is clear from the list above that political factors often have an impact on organisations and how they do business. Organisations need to be able to respond to the current and anticipated future legislation, and adjust their marketing policy accordingly. Economic -  Economic factors have a significant impact on how an organisation does business and also how profitable they are. Factors include – economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates, inflation, disposable income of consumers and businesses and so on. These factors can be further broken down i

Umbro- Demographics

Demographics Umbros' main consumer base is in the UK, as they are the official kit provider of many football teams, and are the previous supplier of England. This means that many people buy into Umbro as they provide legitimate merchandise. The current demographic profile of Umbro is: Middle Aged Male Football Supporter Not very much into fashion High disposable income I think that this is too much of a streamlined demographic for Umbro to be targeting, as they know that will always have success with it as long as they are providing a teams football kit, however, the growing market is in the teenage and more fashion orientated market, in particular, streetwear. If Umbro were to diversify into a market similar to Topshop or Zara, this would prove much more successful as they are not only providing for the demographic that has been their core identity for years, but also hitting the demographic that is growing.  This being: 18-24 Both male and female Into fas

Market Positioning

Market Positioning This is marketing map that I have created to show the current position of Umbro and its competitors. These are the axis I used:  High Quality Low Quality Premium Pricing Affordable I felt that these are acceptable and evaluative axis as these are the main factors that are causing Umbro to decline. I placed them on the low quality side and the upper end of affordable pricing. As their football shirts and merchandise is of a high quality, however, their garments that aren't related to football are of a poor quality, meaning that I placed them on the low quality end. In comparison to Nike, Adidas and Fila, who are on the "High Quality" and "Premium Pricing" section, yet consumers are more willing to buy their products as they know that they are getting the quality that they are paying for.  Ideally, Umbro should be more toward the "High Quality" and on the line of affordable, as people would definitely buy into this,

Proposed Strategy Moodboards

Proposed Strategy Moodboards Proposed Social Media  For my proposed social media idea, it is mainly revolved around the influencers and fashion photography. For instance, using people such as @gulluguyleo and @adrianneho to boost brand awareness. In addition to using fashion photography to make their products seem more appealing, as they will be in a more attractive setting and also be seen on influencers that are known in that specific area.  Proposed Demographics This is my proposed strategy moodboard, and my idea for Umbros' new target market is to have a more mixed gender demographic, as they are currently very male orientated. At the moment, the female market is heavily into wearable sportswear, as brands such as Nike, Adidas and Fila are being worn not just to do sports in. However, these brands have already covered the genders, and this is where Umbro are falling down. As if you were to look on their website you would see a large male section and the fema

Umbro Brand Positioning Presentation

This is the presentation I prepared for the formative feedback, about Umbro and why I chose to study them for this module. 

Mood Boards on the Current Position of Umbro

The current brand market position of Umbro How the brand is currently perceived by customers, where the brand sits in the market.  This is the moodboard I created to show Umbros' current position in the market. It is heavily football orientated with one or two items that are not to do with football. This is currently how Umbro are placing themselves in the market. There is also a "£54.99 was £105" taken from the website, this was for the "Bumpy" shoes. Considering this is near enough half price, that shows that they are not that popular.  The current competitors of Umbro The current competitors of Umbro and the potential threats to the brand. This is a moodboard that I created to show the current competitors of Umbro, including Adidas, Nike, Fila, Puma and Kappa. I decided to compare the different trousers that they make, as this is one of the most popular items if people are to buy anything from a sportswear brand. It is clear t


Competitors of Umbro Umbro is operating in an extremely saturated market, there are many competitors, and a few of them are a lot more successful.  Umbros' main competitors are: Adidas Nike Fila Kappa Reebok New Balance Puma These are all sportswear brands, and Nike and Adidas fall as the most popular. When people think of sportswear, they think of these brands. However, they most likely won't think of Umbro, and this is because they have cornered themselves by just exclusively producing football related products for years, and they have recently tried releasing a new line of clothing including sweatshirts, trousers and some more fashion oriented clothing. This however hasn't been a huge success, as people aren't looking for new Umbro products like this, they completely disregard the idea of dressing in Umbros' clothing.  This is the navigation bar on Umbros' website, this in itself proves that they are not really trying that hard t

Social Media Analysis- Umbro

Social Media Analysis- Umbro I decided to conduct a social media analysis on Umbro, as social media is one of the biggest factors in the success of a company, in terms of marketing, promotion, and sales.  From the survey, the most popular social media site was instagram, so I decided to review their instagram first.  Instagram Follower Count (as of 21/01/19): 320,000 Posts: 1,930 Average engagement: I worked this out by taking the total likes for the post (14/01/19), and adding this to the total comments.   7,831+602=8,433 I then took the total and divided that by the total followers and divided that number by 100. 8,433/(318x100)= 2.65 The average engagement for a successful instagram post is 5%, so considering Umbro's is half of the average, this shows that their social media is lacking interest.  As a comparison, I decided to do the same for one of Nikes, posts, as they are one of the main competitors of Umbro.  Nike instagram followers (

SWOT Analysis: Umbro

SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis is a way of analysing a company's S trengths, W eaknesses, O pportunities and T hreats. It is a form of strategic planning for a business so that it can work on re-strategising based on the identified points. The strengths and weaknesses are internal issues within the company, and the opportunities and threats are external issues for the company. I decided to conduct a SWOT analysis on Umbro so that I was able to take my research further. Strengths Umbro are an established brand in their industry.  They have stuck strongly to their core identity. Well known in the football industry. They have attempted to diversify into streetwear.  Continuous discounts (their set prices are lower than competitors as well) Weaknesses They've decreased in popularity.  Limited presence in bricks and mortar retailers. Poor Branding. Not very active/ relevant social media. Not much advertising.  Opportunities  Product differentiation.

Collecting Primary Research Through A Survey

Collecting Primary Research Through A Survey As part of the primary research for this module, me and my focus group decided to conduct a survey that people could answer and give their honest opinions on Umbro. We tried to reach the widest demographic that we could, and ended up getting well over 100 responses. This was the outcome: Question 1 What is your age and gender? We had responses from both male and females, and with an age range from 15-78. Question 2 What is the main form of social media that you use? Instagram (65%) Twitter (12%) Facebook (23%) Instagram was the most popular answer, yet Umbro don't do much advertising on that platform, on average, their posts get 1,481 likes each, and they have 311,000 followers (as of December 2018). Question 3 Which of these collaborations have you heard of? MissGuided x Umbro (29%) Off-White x Umbro (16%) House of Holand x Umbro (6%) Pepsi x Umbro (15%) Vetements x Umbro (7%) None of the above (55

Changing Fashion Landscapes

Changing Fashion Landscapes We had a seminar about the changing fashion landscapes, and this was to help us gather useful and relevant research on our brands to include in our module.  Ethics- Who made our clothes?  This can be a far-reaching issue and can include:  labour Environmental damage (deforestation, leather industry) Chemicals- skin conditions  Waste- plastics Animal Cruelty- fur, skins, animal farms Child Labour Circular Economy- "A circular economy is an alternative to a traditional linear economy, (make, use, dispose). In which we keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value, then recover and regenerate at the end of service life"- Wrap 2018 Sustainability- Closed loop system, e.g. Levi's and H&M Fashion brands slower to adopt the closed loop system: Primark Luxury Brands Farming animals for fur Difficult to trace some supply chains/accountability for production Impacts-