Mood Boards on the Current Position of Umbro

The current brand market position of Umbro

How the brand is currently perceived by customers, where the brand sits in the market. 

This is the moodboard I created to show Umbros' current position in the market. It is heavily football orientated with one or two items that are not to do with football. This is currently how Umbro are placing themselves in the market. There is also a "£54.99 was £105" taken from the website, this was for the "Bumpy" shoes. Considering this is near enough half price, that shows that they are not that popular. 

The current competitors of Umbro

The current competitors of Umbro and the potential threats to the brand.
This is a moodboard that I created to show the current competitors of Umbro, including Adidas, Nike, Fila, Puma and Kappa. I decided to compare the different trousers that they make, as this is one of the most popular items if people are to buy anything from a sportswear brand. It is clear that the Umbro trousers are the most plain, and therefore are less likely to be purchased by someone who also wants a bit of style. I also included one of the comments made on the survey we made, saying "be more Nike", and the fact that the consumers are comparing Umbro to one of its' competitors means that they are declining. 

Current Marketing Mix of Umbro

 Umbros' current marketing strategies.
This is a moodboard of Umbros' current marketing. They don't have much marketing at all, and what they do have isn't prominent at all. Meaning that people aren't going to want to look into the products that they are selling.  They have done a lot of collaborations with popular brands, for example, MissGuided, Off-White, and Vetements, but because they haven't marketed it enough, the awareness of the brand has failed to rise. The marketing campaigns that they have, only have one image to them and a very short video, this could be seen as a lack of effort and again, thus putting people off buying anything to even looking into the brand. 


Considering the findings that have come from the research to make these mood boards, I found that Umbros' current market positioning isn't as successful as it used to be. Mainly because they aren't bothering to look much into the successful ways to promote their brand or producing products that they know will sell. Considering they have done so many collaborations with so many different companies, some of which have been extremely successful i.e. MissGuided, they have just failed to promote themselves and therefore are lacking the consumer attention. 


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