Poster- Marketing Methodologies
Poster Task I decided to base my poster on the marketing methodologies of Umbro. As their marketing is an element of Umbro that I find particularly interesting. We had a seminar that summed up the changing fashion landscapes, it included a section on marketing methodologies. Companies can be heavily bricks and mortar, for example John Lewis, as they have a lot of physical stores around the UK and many people choose to visit the stores rather than use their online option. However, there are some businesses that are exclusively online, such as ASOS. Umbros' marketing methodology is slacking. They barely have any adverts and also are active on social media platforms that aren't particularly popular in the modern era. Their most used platform is Facebook, which has dropped in popularity since the likes of Instagram have come about. Instagram is now the most popular social media platform. Therefore, Umbros marketing methodologies could be seen as outdated, as the...